I'm writing this on english cause I have stolen some things from american and british sites and if they would come here and read this I want them to understand what I've said.^^
So, I wanted to say thank you first, to the hosting ucoz. It's cool, and it's easy to work with.

Thanks to deviantart.com for its great pictures, photographies and textures.


Dafont.com has got awesome fonts. I"ve stolen a looot of stuff from there, and people like it.^^


Thanks to impressive-instant.com for their textures. It's an awesome site with greeeeat photoshop works. It's a very interesting site.


http://http://www.kiss-goodbye.com/ has got just awesome glitter works.

http://http://soposhdesigns.com/  has got awesome glitters too^^

I have stolen just aweeesomee PS Brushes from:


Well thats all at the moment. Thanks a lot to all these sites.  You're the best xD
